My girlfriend was out with friends last night, so I used the opportunity to fuck sexy pornstar, Rina Ellis, before I went to bed. As much as I wish it had been in the flesh, it was the next best thing. I put on my headset and had her in virtual reality.
If you haven’t watched VR porn yet, then you are seriously missing out. It’s the best kind of mind fuck that there is. The videos are in 3D with 180 degree range of viewing. The head tracking allows you to look around anywhere you want. It feels like you are transported into the scene with the model, and like the stunt cock is your avatar.
To start watching VR porn, get your VIP access to BaDoink VIP with a discount. If you don’t have a headset yet, you can still watch without one, but it won’t be the same sort of immersion. Fortunately, VR goggles are readily available these days and some are dirt cheap. There is also a ton of other non-VR porn in the network to keep you satisfied.